Our Story

Teaching Startups To Fish was founded to help startup founders, entrepreneurs and everyone else who aspires to create something amazing and put it in the hands of people across the globe. 

Many people who start a company are passionate individuals. Passionate about the problem they set out to solve, passionate about the product they are creating, and passionate about the change they can make in their customer's lives. Selling their product is often not something of concern. 

With all that passion and determination to build the greatest company ever known to man, most entrepreneurs fall victim to the "build it, and they will come" mentality. Then, when it comes time to start selling their product, it's a whole new, and frustrating world. Founders start researching many different sales tactics and start reading countless books hoping to come across a golden nugget of information that will allow them to see that glorious drop of revenue flowing through their doors. This process is usually a long and gruelling process that sets the company back months, if not years.

Sales are among the top three priorities for over 95% of startups. With limited to no sales training offered by most accelerator programs, incubators, and alike, we knew we had to step in.

Teaching Startups To Fish was created so entrepreneurs can get the most essential and impactful information quickly and easily. 

We have leveraged the knowledge and experience of some of the most experienced startup founders, mentors, and sales professionals across the globe to create a series of short videos which outline exactly what you need to do to start generating revenue. We call these short videos "Blueprints." The Blueprints are a guide that, if followed, will pave the way for success. 

We are on a mission to remove the uncertainty, fear, and reluctance instilled in many founders when it comes to sales, and equip them with the tools they need to succeed in selling their innovative solutions. We have done so through our Blueprints.

Our Founder

Mladen Jovanovic is an international multi-award-winning entrepreneur, Forbes 30 Under 30 alumni, and an expert in the art of entrepreneurial sales and commercialising innovative solutions.

Mladen founded his first software company, a two-sided marketplace for the construction industry, at the age of 23. At the University Startup World Cup, Mladen showcased the company on a world stage in Copenhagen, Denmark, and secured first place for his innovation under the ICT category. 

After returning to Australia, Mladen volunteered his time to coach startup founders on how to pitch their businesses to investors and customers. After meeting Dr Anna Wright on a judging panel, Mladen teamed up with Dr Wright to co-found their current company, BindiMaps.

During BindiMaps' first couple of years of operation, Mladen secured sales with large multi-national corporations such as Stockland, Brookfield Properties, Lendlease, Mirvac, Charter Hall, and many more. Due to his experience in sales and startups, Mladen has been invited by universities, accelerator programs, and incubators to coach their companies on how to sell their innovations.